Master Your Time, Enhance Your Life


At Tjime, we craft technology that seamlessly enhances your life, turning daily chaos into a symphony of efficiency.

Our Mission

Our mission at Tjime is to provide an innovative and intuitive tool that seamlessly blends calendar management with task organization, all while prioritizing user well-being.

Our vision.

To revolutionize time management by integrating cutting-edge technology and user-centric design, making every day more productive, balanced, and fulfilling.

Tjime, your new intelligent companion in the art of time management. Seamlessly integrate your schedule, tasks, and wellness into one elegant experience. Each day ends with a moment of reflection — rate your day to ensure balance and prevent burnout. Ready to redefine your time?

Our story

We believe in technology that blends seamlessly into your life, enhancing every moment.

Every feature we craft is aimed at transforming your daily commitments into a symphony of efficiency. With TimeCraft, we’re not just keeping time; we're making it count.


Experience a new way to navigate your day with Tjime.

Whether you're planning your week, coordinating with teams, or seeking a balanced lifestyle. Join us on this journey and redefine what it means to be productive—where managing time isn't just about keeping up, but thriving.
